Wibbly-Wobbly, Timey-Wimey

People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but actually, from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint, it's more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey... stuff. 

This week we get a sneak peek at some more Timey-Wiemy cards.


Click here for the full article...

Dalek Showcase

This week game designer Andrew Haught talks to us about the Daleks and how they works in the game. We also take a closer look at the Dalek and Davros Models.


Check out the full article here...

All Praise Davros, Creator of the Daleks

Exterminate! They muttered about their sacred hatred, the On-Coming Storm. Their Creator has as plan… A plan to erase the Doctor from Web of Time itself. That's right this week we are talking Daleks.


Check out the full article here...

Fourth Doctors Showcase

This week game designer Andrew Haught talks to us about the Fourth Doctor and how he works in the game. We also take a closer look at the Fourth Doctor's Model.


Check out the full article here...

Not Just Time Lords. We're the Same Time Lord

This week we look at how Doctors can help each other during an Adventure, and how Regeneration works in the game. 

Check out the full article here...

The Eleventh Doctor Showcase

This week game designer Andrew Haught talks to us about the Eleventh Doctor and how he works in the game. We also take a closer look at the Eleventh Doctor's Model.


Check out the full article here...

When I Say Roll... Run!

This week we look at how to Roll Story Dice pool during an Adventure, and how to modify them in your attempt to succeed in the Adventure. 

Check out the full article here...

Let’s have an Adventure!

This week we look at how to create a Story Dice pool during an Adventure, and how the Doctor's companions aid him and help him focus. 


Check out the full article here...

Its So Much Bigger on the Inside!

This week we go over how to recruit a companion, and we take a closer look at some of the companions found in the game. 

Check out the full article here...

Flying your TARDIS

This week we take a look at movement rules and how to fly your TARDIS. We also take a closer look at Dilemmas, Locations and the TARDIS dice.


Click here to read the full article...